Thursday, September 27, 2018

Mind Game |Depends on Mind|

                     Mind Game,💀

Brains”, as commonly understood, are mind-dependent artefacts of our phenomenal world-simulations. These squidgy lumps of neural porridge occasionally feature in one’s virtual world. “Brains” loom more prominently in the virtual worlds of neurosurgeons; but they are still artefacts of the mind. Wet grey lumps of nervous tissue are sometimes imagined to secrete first-person experience (epiphenomenalism) or be identical with it (cfThe Mind/Brain Identity Theory). Perhaps compare the religious doctrine of transubstantiation. “Brains” have no existence outside the waking or dreaming consciousness of minds.
So is reality mind-dependent? 
Empirical science (as distinct from metaphysics masquerading as science) still doesn’t know whether the world’s primordial quantum fields are, in essence, fields of sentience (non-materialist physicalism) or insentience (materialist physicalism), or a bizarre hybrid of both. Whatever the true answer, the great bulk of the stuff of reality isn’t part of any conscious mind or phenomenal world-simulation it runs.

Moreover, a belief that reality is mind-dependent can be hazardous to one’s health. Perceptual direct realism is a fitness-enhancing delusion. Thus within your waking world-simulation, care should be taken crossing virtual roads. One false step and both you and your world-simulation may come to an abrupt conclusion.

Be positive and value games.

      Be positive and live your life

“You’re not born a Winner; You’re not born a Loser;
You're born a CHOOSER.
Sports World sends professional athletes to share personal life experiences with students, helping them to recognize the consequences of their choices while challenging them with The Message of Hope. Our focus at Sports World is to help students see the value of making positive choices in their life. We are also here to come alongside teachers and administrators, reinforcing what they are already teaching. Our focus is not to create shame for making bad decisions, but to show students they can choose a better way.
As our tagline says... “You’re not born a Winner; You’re not born a Loser; You’re born a CHOOSER.”
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184,911 Students
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71,311 Students
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Fake world , Everything is possible here.

      Being Real In A FakeWorld

Our society seems to simply reject the idea of anything genuine. It does not like substance, it does not like truth, and it does not like sincerity. Instead, the world is obsessed with triviality, pretty lies, slandering and tearing down others, material possessions, idolizing celebrities and putting them on a pedestal above others, criticizing politicians and parties, the pursuit of pleasure no matter the cost, going so far as to criticize what another person is even wearing, and countless other meaningless paths. It demands that individuals bury themselves and put on masks, for truth is something to be shunned and a fake depiction is to be celebrated. It criticizes people for being one thing, demanding they be the complete opposite, and once that change is made it is as if hell itself is unleashed. No one can ever satisfy everyone, yet they run themselves down trying. Society will never be satisfied, for no one will ever be able to live up to its standards; the fact that the standards are impossible as well as constantly changing means little. It demands individuals go with the flow with what everyone is doing or else be sunk, or demands that they choose nothing of substance for the sake of popularity and relevance rather than something worth far more. It is a vicious cycle, for with each individual giving into the flow of the masses and the trivial demands of the world, the further everyone gets swept away and the further the world gets from anything worthwhile; after all, it is a common pattern for a single thought process to take over a mass of people.

Am I the only one who is weary of the fakeness of the world? The only one becoming more irritable with the emptiness of everything? The only one tired of the fabulous lies over the sometimes ugly truths? Of the masks people feel like they have to wear, ultimately preventing two souls from connecting to one another? Of the meaningless slander between not only politicians or celebrities, but from the common person as well? The only one sick of no originality and the suffocating need for everyone to fit into such a flimsy environment? Of the emphasis on labels, how one must be categorized under somethingThe only one tired of truth and morals getting sucked away and a void that only compromises of spurious nonsense taking over the world like a blood-sucking parasite? Of the essence and temptation of popularity undermining and bleaching away true character?
Our society seems to simply reject the idea of anything genuine. It does not like substance, it does not like truth, and it does not like sincerity. 
Instead, the world is obsessed with triviality, pretty lies, slandering and tearing down others, material possessions, idolizing celebrities and putting them on a pedestal above others, criticizing politicians and parties, the pursuit of pleasure no matter the cost, going so far as to criticize what another person is even wearing, and countless other meaningless paths. 
It demands that individuals bury themselves and put on masks, for truth is something to be shunned and a fake depiction is to be celebrated. 
It criticizes people for being one thing, demanding they be the complete opposite, and once that change is made it is as if hell itself is unleashed. No one can ever satisfy everyone, yet they run themselves down trying. Society will never be satisfied, for no one will ever be able to live up to its standards; the fact that the standards are impossible as well as constantly changing means little.
 It demands individuals go with the flow with what everyone is doing or else be sunk, or demands that they choose nothing of substance for the sake of popularity and relevance rather than something worth far more.
 It is a vicious cycle, for with each individual giving into the flow of the masses and the trivial demands of the world, the further everyone gets swept away and the further the world gets from anything worthwhile; after all, it is a common pattern for a single thought process to take over a mass of people.
Am I the only one who is weary of the fakeness of the world? The only one becoming more irritable with the emptiness of everything? The only one tired of the fabulous lies over the sometimes ugly truths? Of the masks people feel like they have to wear, ultimately preventing two souls from connecting to one another? Of the meaningless slander between not only politicians or celebrities, but from the common person as well?
 The only one sick of no originality and the suffocating need for everyone to fit into such a flimsy environment? Of the emphasis on labels, how one must be categorized under somethingThe only one tired of truth and morals getting sucked away and a void that only compromises of spurious nonsense taking over the world like a blood-sucking parasite?
 Of the essence and temptation of popularity undermining and bleaching away true character?

                                         $ Garry_$